Bacton Low Rise Phase One Open to Residents
Phase One of the Bacton Low Rise Redevelopment in Camden, for which Rolton Group provided multiple engineering services, is open to residents.
Rolton Group had been appointed to provide geotechnical, energy, mechanical, electrical, civil, and structural engineering design services to tender for this £50m redevelopment project in central London. The scheme forms part of the overall Gospel Oak Community Investment Programme, a 15-year redevelopment programme by Camden Council to invest money in schools, homes and community facilities.
Novated to construction stage by Rydon Construction for the first phase, the scheme has involved the demolition of the existing Gospel Oak District Housing Office and Vicar's Road commercial units to make way for the construction of 63 new homes and associated open space. Rolton Group’s work on Phase One included multi-disciplinary detailed design services and geotechnical engineering services to overcome site specific design issues with the Network Rail cutting, existing ground anchors and existing foundations. The structure has made use of Cross Laminated Timber for two of the blocks, with a reinforced concrete frame to the third.
Cabinet Member for Housing Cllr Julian Fulbrook has described the project as “a huge step in the regeneration of Gospel Oak, as this is the first time we have been able to build new council homes for rent for nearly 20 years.”
Phases Two and Three of the project are now going into pre-construction and will comprise of a further 148 housing units, three commercial units and associated open space, all due to be completed by December 2017.