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Rolton Group Successfully Appointed on Prosper Framework

We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have been appointed on the Prosper Design and Consultancy Framework for the provision of three separate Lots – Ground Investigations & Remediation Needs, Civil & Structural Engineering and Mechanical & Electrical (MEP) Engineering Design.

The framework was attained through a bid process, of which we scored 100% on quality for all three Lots.

The framework is for an initial 24-month period with the option to extend for another 24-months upon completion. It provides easy access to specialist design and consultancy services for Members of Prosper and other Public Sector Contracting Bodies in the North East, Cumbria and North Yorkshire, including:

  • Registered Social Landlords
  • Local Authorities
  • Educational establishments
  • NHS bodies
  • Police, fire and rescue
  • Registered charities

Formed over 10-years ago, Prosper is a North East based multi-functional business consultancy that is now highly regarded as the partner of choice by many landlords, schools and local authorities within the region.

With a team of experienced experts, Prosper liaises with its members and supply chain partners to identify and establish OJEU compliant Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems (in accordance with Public Contracts Regulations) that allow efficient procurement.

With a new team currently being established in the North East, this framework appointment further enhances our presence in the region, which is a strategic objective of ours in our five-year business plan.

Andrew Glancey, Associate Director (North East) commented:

"This is an important and critical win for Rolton Group in the North East, underlining the Company’s commitment to establishing our multi-disciplinary practice in the region, expanding on, and using as a springboard, our existing work in Northumberland for the Power by Britishvolt Gigaplant."

We are excited to work with Prosper and for the opportunities that this framework appointment will bring.