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Greg Barker MP Video

Following his visit to the Rolton Group on 28th November, Minister of State at the Department of Energy and Climate Change Greg Barker MP filmed a short video to summarise his trip.

In the clip he says of the company:

"They’ve taken my vision of the Big 60,000 and are making it a reality, whether that’s large town centre heat networks, energy-from-waste projects, biomass projects to industrial factories looking to turn manufacturing centres into energy hubs as well."

We are fully committed to a decentralised energy revolution in the UK, and are pleased to be recognised for the innovative and resourceful work that we are currently undertaking for clients of all sizes in this area.

If you are a carbon-intensive or high energy user and would like to understand the ways in which deregulation can provide commercially compelling opportunities for sites of all sizes and characteristics, please contact Peter Rolton with no obligation on 0870 726 0000 or at