What we do
Energy and Carbon
Climate change is a worldwide issue, which is becoming increasingly prominent in politics and governmental policies. Energy usage, as a contributor to climate change, is now a major issue for large businesses, as many rely on vast amounts of power to carry out their operations in producing and delivering materials, goods and services.
In terms of the UK’s energy landscape, the National Grid is extremely strained; the spare capacity for winter 2015/16 was a mere 1.2%, rising to 5.1% with the additional capacity coming from companies being asked to cut their usage at peak times. This lack of available energy is a hindrance to large businesses, who are not only at risk of having to reduce their operations, but are also being forced to suspend plans for expansion, as the required energy resources are unavailable.
Rolton Group is helping major energy users to turn these problems into opportunities, by providing strategic advice on ways in which their energy usage can be more efficient, and measures to implement in order to save on this valuable commodity. With the National Grid no longer a wholly reliable source of power, the opportunity for on-site generation is a serious factor which is considered, to enable businesses to benefit from a greater security of supply and to have more control over their operations.
Benefits of an energy strategy for your business include:
- A clear understanding of existing energy consumption and infrastructure, alongside future energy requirements;
- The opportunity to actively manage energy requirements as well as generate renewable energy on or off-site;
- Transparent web-based energy management, incorporating energy performance indicators;
- Reduction in energy demand and consumption, providing commercial benefits;
- Decentralised energy generation at discounted retail prices;
- An end to volatility in energy costs, providing certainty in business planning;
- Limiting the impact of “brown outs” through base load provision;
- Offsetting grid supply carbon emissions, enhancing CSR credentials;
- A clear progression to the low-carbon economy.
Equipped with this information, our clients have the necessary tools for future planning, and can work around their means for energy expenditure, rather than being held to ransom by it.
To enquire about commissioning an energy strategy for your company, contact us on 01933 410 909 or via email at enquiries@rolton.com.