Site Visit to the Rolton Wind Turbine
On the 16th July, Rolton Group staff paid a site visit to Winsey Farm to witness the erection of the company’s first ‘Rolton’ wind turbine.
The component parts are now all bolted in place, and the impressive structure, standing at 50 metres to hub and 64 metres to tip, will be fully commissioned within the next week to start harnessing the energy that blows around us as wind.
Having worked on the foundation designs for the tower, our engineers were keen to see the finished product, which will be fitted with a chip that transmits data so that its generation levels and status can be monitored off-site. Electricity from the turbine will be sold to a local pig farmer, allowing him to raise carbon neutral livestock, and surplus power will be connected to the National Grid. We’re also looking at options to sleeve the electricity supply through to our offices to further reduce our in-house carbon footprint.
Localised energy generation is an important part of a secure future for UK power supply, and we are proud to become part of a landscape that sees the vision of exiting Minister for the Department of Energy and Climate Change Greg Barker MP come true, in which the Big Six becomes the Big 60,000.
For photos from the site visit, please visit our album on Facebook.