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Vaughn Tooze CEng | MCIBSE | MIET | Executive Director | Strategic Energy, Utilities and MEP Building Services


Executive Director | Strategic Energy, Utilities and MEP Building Services with over 24 years of industry experience.

Vaughn joined Rolton Group in 2023 as the Executive Board Director for Strategic Energy, Utilities and MEP Building services, responsible for overseeing the service line teams across the business.

Leading multi-disciplinary teams to deliver projects across various sectors, with key skills including the design and assessment of complex HVAC systems, renewable technology appraisals and integration, site-wide infrastructure, enhanced passive design principles, and industrial and advanced manufacturing process systems. He has also provided design manager and technical integrator roles for complex technology/manufacturing sector projects, for 3rd party OEM equipment vendors appointed via the Client.

As part of our Senior Management Team, Vaughn plays an active role in shaping and delivering our growth strategy and further improving project delivery.

Vaughn holds extensive experience delivering projects in high-value and technical sectors; like industrial, advanced manufacturing, automotive/motorsport, aerospace, healthcare, R&D and nuclear/MOD.